I hate emotions.

Why do I let my emotions control my life? I’m so jealous.

Because he is exactly opposite of me, so i know for a fact he’s not thinking about it like i am.

No one really understands me either. Why I care so much or let it bother me like this, but I just can’t help it?

I feel sick when I think about it…about him. I hate that I’m letting it slip through my fingers again.

This is exactly what I swore that I would never let happen again.

And here it is…

So what am I doing?

What do you think?

Should I fight for this?

One thought on “I hate emotions.

  1. So I’m just wondering..
    Do these posts have anything to do with that guy you described in your 500 days of Autumn post? I may come off as a creeper stalkerish kind of guy but I actually want to know if anything happened, if anything positive came out of that coincidence.. or possibly fate?

    Anyway, I’m bored on a Monday, December 28th, and after searching up 500 days of Autumn and happening onto your post I decided to read the various entries in it. After all, from one hopeless romantic to another, there’s nothing like having a success story to boost my morale haha.

    And yes, I think you should fight for it.


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