The Disappearing Act

Butterflies don’t just appear in your stomach. They start as caterpillars. As time goes on, those caterpillars twist and twist around until they form these webs. These webs are glittered in communication, stability, laughter, trust, fun… They start to grow and harden…solidify into a cocoon of emotional promise. The more time spent under the stars … More The Disappearing Act

I know it’s been a year, but I’m back and It’s time to write…Day 1? All over again?

It’s weird really. It all started with my wisdom teeth. I got them removed last Friday and it’s been almost a week. How can something so minute change your perspective on so much? And on top of all of that, I have a 102.5 fever. So here I am, at home, forced to be with … More I know it’s been a year, but I’m back and It’s time to write…Day 1? All over again?


Polar bears, rubber bands, big hoodies, pencils, stupid/boring clothes, bandaids, my glove compartment, his couch, TV commercials, Jacka**, songs, books, Alice in Wonderland, weird movies, falling asleep on someone, cute texts, saved texts, smiling when you look at me, stupid jokes, making chapters, our sense of humor, sarcasm, holding hands…   that remind me of … More Things…


Things do get easier everyday. I just need to stop focusing so much. When I clear my mind… When I draw, sing, create, laugh… When I actually LIVE… I guess it’s not so bad (:

I hate emotions.

Why do I let my emotions control my life? I’m so jealous. Because he is exactly opposite of me, so i know for a fact he’s not thinking about it like i am. No one really understands me either. Why I care so much or let it bother me like this, but I just can’t … More I hate emotions.